I love birth photography.
There really is nothing like it.
This birth was relatively fast! I was there and gone in 5 hours. which I was completely prepared to be there will into the night, as a lot of babies are born in the middle of the night, vs 2pm on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.
Families that hire me to document such an impactful moment in their lives, really is so humbling and I am so grateful to witness the magic of birth.
If you are looking for a birth photographer in the Kalispell or Whitefish areas, I'd love to chat and talk birth and babies!
I got the call from Alyssa, saying she had started labor in the early hours of the morning. Things were seeming to progress slowly. The midwives were called, and were going to head over soon to just check in.
Side note, if you are looking for home birth midwives, Marcy & Mackenzie of Birth with Insight are amazing. I am biased, because they were also my midwives for my third baby, HA! But seriously, UH-MAZING. Love them to pieces.
I get a text later, mid morning saying the midwives just left to grab breakfast, this was like 10am-ish.
And I'm thinking, OK, you know what, I'm just gonna head over and get some peaceful details, and document the feel of the home, etc.
The house was quiet. Diffuser was pumping out calming notes, breakfast was being made, the smell of sourdough toast in the air, while mama quietly hummed through the waves.
It didn't take long for things to get more intense.
Grandpa took little brother out for some playtime while they waited for little sister to arrive. And mama went and worked through the waves as they grew in the heat of the shower.
Once the hot water ran out, mama came out and settled onto the couch as the contractions were noticeably getting pretty strong.
I am still so impressed with how we as birthing people, deal with labor. This one, particularly was amazing. She hardly made ANY noise, besides some light humming and breathing out during most of the labor. As she got closer to and into transition, there was maybe a handful of gasps and "ha's" as she breathed them out.
Then came the pause, and it was time.
Hot compresses and awesome guidance from the midwives and that little girl was out in 5 pushes.
A beautiful, little girl with a full head of black hair, covered in vernix, graced us with her presence and we all fell in love.
The rest is history.

Tears of joy, every time...
And when siblings meet for the first time...

Like I said, there really is nothing like birth photography.
If you are looking for a birth photographer in the Kalispell or Whitefish areas, inquire HERE.